Remote Online Exam

The ARRL VE Group DL North is permitted to held remote online exams. At the moment prinmary we offering remote online exams. You have to be 18 years old or older.

The remote online HAM radio exams are held via Zoom video meetings. All you need is a computer with camera, microphone and loudspeaker. As a second device a mobile phone will be connected to the Zoom exam session. Your computer desktop will be shared while the exam and you answering the exam questions on a special Web portal. For calculations an on-screen calculator software is allowed.

For a remote exam you need a FRN (FCC Registration Number) from the FCC.

If you got an FRN and you are interesting in a remote online exam please fill out the following request form:

[exam request form]

We will send you an registration link for the exam session. Before the registration please read following information carefully:

[registration procedure]

If you are registered please read the following page describing the exam room preparation and exam workflow:

[exam workflow description]