Amateur Radio Service in Germany

German Amateur Radio License

For non-US citizen it is not possible to to apply for a german amateur radio license. If you are a US citizen then you can try to apply for a german license. For further information please contact us via email.

US callsign in Germany

Please notice that it is not allowed to use your US callsign in Germany on the air if you got a US amateur radio license and if you are living in germany. In this case you have to apply for a german amateur radio license and a german callsign. Operation via internet remote stations located in the USA is allowed like Remote HAM Radio or EchoLink operation if the location of the connected transmitter is in the USA.


If you have any questions you contact the Bundesnetzagentur Außenstelle Dortmund, responsable for Amateur Radio Licenses in Germany.

phone: (0231) 9955-260
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.